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Latest Hairstyles from the Emo Girls Hair section

Scene Queens

Far away in a distant galaxy a scene emerged that is somewhat an offshoot of cyber goths, mixed with emo, add some rockabilly style and a heap load of trash and you have the Scene Queens!

These people take being Internet famous to the next level with all kinds of photoshoots and clothing lines and party pics, I can hardly keep up with what is going on, surely enough they each have their own myspace, buzznet or what have you and kindly keep us informed as to their whereabouts and doings.

The great most inspiring thing about these Scene Queens is that they prove that anyone can model and all you need is the right hair, right childhood paraphernalia about your person, loads of make-up and a pouty pose to start on your way to Interwebs fame. Oh and by now I am sure you have mastered the art of holding a camera above your head to get the best angle for your face, self portrait skills along with Photoshop skills are very desirable.

Anyway here are some pics of the likes of Hannah Beth, Zui Suicide, Audrey Kitching, Kiki Kannibal, Izzy Hilton, Jeffree Star and more obscure peeps. I am aware that some people are really scene, some are wanabees or whatever, I am not concerned with that, I just like their hair!

Who is Your Favourite Scene Queen?

Comments and thoughts on these people and their style are very welcomed in the comments section.

Scene Queen Picture Gallery:

Blue Hair Gallery and Tips

Bring out the ice queen in you and go for blue hair!  You can go for bright royal blue, greeny blue, turquoise or pale blue. The possibilities are endless. Blue hair is a bit tougher to achieve a vibrant result than pink hair but it can still be done.

How to Dye Your Hair Blue

For most vibrant results you need to bleach your hair. The lighter the hair the brighter and lighter the blue. If you put the blue dye on natural hair then results will very but it won’t be as bright and tends to turn green quite quickly. If you have naturally blonde hair the blue can look great but it will fade very fast. Bleached hair is much more porous so it picks up color better than natural virgin hair.

Here is a Hair bleaching guide to help you get that part right.

Once you have the desired hair base color you want you just apply your chosen vibrant pack of rad blue hair color and follow the instructions to get your gorgeous pixie, mermaid, etheral ice queen blue hair!

Blue Hair Dye Brands:

You can use Special Effects or Manic Hair Dye.

We Want To Hear from you!

If you have dyed your hair blue please write in the comments section your experience.

What brand did you use?

Was your hair bleached?

Was was the result?

Want To See More Blue Hair Pictures?

If you are looking for the ultimate hair colour resource, then you’ll love this: go here to see hundreds more blue hair color pictures! This site is great because people send in their hair dye pictures and tell you how they did it. It’s a great site for learning how to get great coloured hair!

Blue Hair Color Picture Gallery:


More Cute Emo Girls Image Gallery

Another post dedicated to emo girls because emo girls are awesome, great, fantastic and simply the best 😉 Check out the insane emo hairstyles, they don’t really need an introduction as they are A W E S O M E.

Check it out for yourselves!