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Summer is here and it’s time to hit the beach and party all night. Time to hang out with friends and have a great time! Looking for fabulous summer hair inspiration?! then you have come to the right place, here are some fab looks to get you started this summer!

Read on for some great tips on how to maintain the frizz caused by the humidity. If you are a girl and you have hair on your head then you know what I am talking about when it comes to the effects of humidity on your hair (lion’s mane anyone?)

Click on read more below to see tons of beach hair images and hairstyling tips.

1. DO NOT color hair just before a beach vacation:

UV rays from the sun changes hair color. The harsh rays of the sun and corrosion from sea water will do extra damage to any high-lightening or hair lightening causing added dryness to the hair. So don’t spend heaps of money on hair coloring until you come back from your vacation!

2. Avoid bangs on curly hair:

During the humid months it is best to avoid short bangs on curly or very coarse, wavy hair. The shrink factor is great making it pretty hard to maintain. It is best to maintain longer bangs during the hot summer months that you can easily sweep back.

3. Use sulfate free shapoos:

Most people wash their hair more often in summer and the harsh detergents in most shampoos will dry your hair out causing frizz and damage. A sulfate-free shampoo is a gentler option. You can create your own version of a sufate free shampoo at home by combining three parts conditioner to one part normal shampoo. The added conditioners will diminish the power of the shampoo.

4. Hair conditioner can be used as a styling product:

Mix some gel with some hair conditioner in the palms of your hands and apply it to wet hair, then allow to dry naturally. This is great for wavy hair without the crunch factor. The conditioner gives felxibility while the gel gives the curl/wave hold.

5. Wash you hair at night.

Wash you hair at night and allow to air dry. In the morning spray some sea mineral spray and scrunch for those awesome beach  hair waves.

Summer Hair Image Gallery:

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